Wallpaper batman arkham asylum
Wallpaper batman arkham asylum

Something to keep in mind as you progress throughout the game: keep an eye out for those Joker teeth and those Riddler trophies, since collecting these items will increase your chances of leveling up and being able to upgrade your skills and your gadgets.This will activate the vent fan and clear out all the Joker toxin. Aim pressing the “Q” key, with a batarang to hit the control box. Once you’ve rescued the security guards, and, yes, the escaped inmate as well, you’ll want to use your detective mode to locate the control box for the ventilation fan.There’ll be another vent shaft you’ll need to make your way through to get into the decontamination room. Since the door will be locked, you’ll want to grapple to the area up above your head. Here is where you’ll face your next rescue challenge. Make your way to the decontamination room.Work those muscles, and show that ventilation grid who’s boss, Batman. This one will take you back to the security guard who originally pointed you towards Zsasz. Once you’ve taken the trophy, go over to the next vent.Inside one of these shafts, you’ll find another Riddler trophy that you’ll want to collect, before moving onto your next rescue mission. After you have defeated Victor Zsasz, look for two nearby ventilation shafts.Have your fun while you can Zsasz, because you’re going down in a few minutes. Be sure to talk with Aaron Cash before you enter the room where Zsasz is, he’ll be the one to explain the situation in more detail.You’ll want to make a left at the turning-point, on your way to Zsasz’s location.The latter will have a hostage you’ll need to be rescuing, so, be ready for that. Talk to this guard, and he’ll point you in the direction of Victor Zsasz. At the end of this hallway, you’ll run into an Arkham security guard. Head down the hallway and fight your way through a couple of thugs.Yes, Gordon, Batman does know it’s a trap. You can use your batarangs to do this by holding down the “Q” and pressing the “V” key. Enter this room and destroy the Joker teeth. There’s a room just right off to the left, once you make it to the top of the ramp.Of course, he’s setting you up for a trap, but hey, you’re Batman, you’re going to go for it anyway. You’ll want to wait for The Joker to deactivate the electric gate before you try to go through. Head-up the ramp just right across from the vent.One leading cause of indigestion: a bat-kick to the gut. Your first Riddler trophy is in this vent. Force open this vent shaft by repeatedly pressing the spacebar. You’ll find it next to the entrance that’s been blocked off by an electric gate. Once you’ve defeated the inmates, look for a ventilation shaft.That’s the best special-move you have access to, for now. On your computer, use your cape stunning ability to daze and confuse your opponents by clicking the “E” key. The first big gameplay scene begins when Batman’s archenemy escapes and leaves you to fight your way through the inmates he just released. The gameplay starts with you, as The Batman, escorting a captured Joker into Arkham Asylum.Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 17.

wallpaper batman arkham asylum

Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 16.Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 15.Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 14.Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 13.Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 12.Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 11.

wallpaper batman arkham asylum

Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 10.Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 9.Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 8.

wallpaper batman arkham asylum

  • Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 7.
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 6.
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 5.
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 4.
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 3.
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 2.
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Part 1.
  • So, read on, have fun, and get ready to get your Bat-game on. Therefore, my control references will be Mac based. Please note, that although these video demonstrations are for a PC, I have this game on my Mac computer. Hey fellow gamers, here’s a full-on, start-to-end, walkthrough guide for playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough Guide (Secrets, Bosses, Start to Finish)

    Wallpaper batman arkham asylum